Pentru fani si non-fani ai mega-extra-blockbuster-ului Avatar - The Story of Opressed Blue People, asta este cam ce ne pregateste Dl Cameron. Am pus mai jos cateva citate dintr-un articol recent publicat in The Economist.
Intregul articol il gasiti aici: The Economist - Avatar 2: Made in China?
[...] He says he has stopped producing non-Avatar films or
even considering non-Avatar scripts. “I’m in the Avatar business.
Period, that’s it. I’m making ‘Avatar 2’, ‘Avatar 3’, maybe ‘Avatar 4’,”
he says. “I think that within the Avatar landscape, I can say
everything I need to say that I think needs to be said, in terms of the
state of the world and what we should be doing about it.” [...]
[...] Mr Cameron arrived in Beijing on Saturday and will
soon be attending a screening of “Titanic 3D” at the Beijing
International Film Festival (the re-release opened earlier this month to
staggering sales in China). But his most important business will be
conducted in private meetings, including with state-owned China Film
Group. Speaking in an interview on Sunday, he said a priority of this
trip was to explore a co-production deal with the Chinese firm on
“Avatar 2” and “Avatar 3”. Mr Cameron says he would need to be satisfied
in advance that his planned films would meet the approval of censors.
If that key condition can be met, he is keen on the potential payoff.
“There are economic advantages,” as he puts it. [...]
Si aceasta activitate intensa a chinezilor, inclusiv o informatie din articol care spune ca Iron Man 3 va fi o co-productie chineza, ma face sa ma gandesc ca tot mai multe produse cinematografice, pe langa tenisi, adidasi si jucarii de plastic, isi vor face intrarea pe piata europeana si americana in urmatoarele decade. Asa ca, dragi cinefili, aveti ceva recomandari de filme Made in China care sa ne ajute sa ne obisnuim cu ideea?
Comment below.
va face tot avatar daca va si scoate bani in continuare de la avatar. desi daca transformers a tot scos, nu vad de ce nu. desi nu stiu daca va trece de 3-4.
ReplyDeletecand scoate imaginile de la mariane?
cred ca un 2 si un posibil 3 e ceea ce se va intampla. nu stiu cand si daca le va scoate.